Q: What if fault of a third-party?

Beat the Workers' Compensation maze. Hire Allan Reich, a professional in the field of Workers' Compensation.

What if the accident was the fault of a third-party?

In some situations, when a third-party is responsible for your injuries, you can have a lawsuit against that party and collect Workers’ Compensation benefits at the same time. The general rule is that you cannot sue your employer or a co-worker for their negligence that led to your injury at work. But if the negligent party is not a co-worker or the employer, you can bring a personal injury suit against that third-party as well. Such a suit will generally lead to you receiving even more for your injuries and damages than you would receive from the Workers’ Compensation case alone.

Obtaining professional representation to assist in securing benefits in Workers’ Compensation is not only a bargain but also a sensible step to insure your rights.

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